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The II in this logo is hard to see, and it drives me nuts every time I look at it. |
We have just released our newest game. It's Avernum 2: Crystal Souls. It is a huge indie RPG for Windows and Mac (iPad coming soon), on Steam, GoG.com, Humble Store, and our own website. You know. All the places the cool kids hang out.
It came out yesterday and early sales are very strong. Thank you, kind customers!
Avernum 2: Crystal Souls is, like half of what we do, a rewrite. This particular story is arguably the one loved most by our fans. (Avernum 3 is the other contender) The previous incarnation, Avernum 2, came out way, WAY back in 2000, so I am utterly unapologetic about releasing a rewrite.
My main goals when doing these rewrites is to respect and maintain what made people love them in the first place. This is made so much more important by the fact that I can't write new games like this anymore.
Cool Things About Avernum 2
The first two Avernum games have a story structure that is still unique in RPGs. There isn't one storyline. There's three, each of which has its own goal, missions, final boss, etc. You can play one of them and have a satisfying game experience, or you can be hardcore and do more.
It's a huge game, and I wanted people to be able to play a smaller chunk of it and still feel that they got somewhere. I think there's a good idea in there, and other developers should steal it.
Also, the game takes place in Avernum, a subterranean nation full of exiles, petty criminals, and weird, alien races. It's like Australia, but with even more monsters. Or like the proverbial parents' basement, but a country. It's a really cool setting, one that has resonated with players for over twenty years. I still love it.
Nobody Wants an Aging Rock Star To Play the New Stuff
If you go see the Rolling Stones in concert, you don't want to hear their new stuff. Yuck. Boring! You want to hear the old hits, written when they were young and energetic and crazy and fresh.
My old games are kind of the same. As I rework them, I can't get over how weird and quirky and energetic and chaotic the stuff I did when I was young was. My games were full of rough edges, joyfully overpowered spells, and the sort of concentrated oddness I have a harder time generating as I get old and boring.
Rewriting them, I've tried to make it a bit more user-friendly with modern tweaks like quest lists and tooltips. Yet, I mostly spend my time being jealous of how silly and loose I could be when I was young.
When I wrote the Avernum trilogy for the first time (when they were called Exile), I just threw everything in there I could think of, and, thanks to a weird alchemy of skill and dumb luck, it worked. People loved the games, and I got a career out of it.
You Still Have To Make New Stuff, Or You Go Insane
Don't get me wrong. I am proud of my newer games. They don't sell as well, but they do have a following. I don't hallucinate the fan mail.
I still need to keep doing the rewrites. They make good money. People like them. The old games don't run well (or at all) anymore. I get tablet versions out of the deal. So I'm going to keep doing it. When people complain about rewrites, it just means they've failed to fully acknowledge how awesome I am.
And I still need to write new games, with new systems and interfaces and stories, or I will simply go insane. If you like my old stuff better, I won't take offense. Different people like different things.
But More About Avernum 2: Crystal Souls
It's a really big game. The story and setting are cool. It's retro and oldschool, but with a modern interface to keep it fun. There's a big demo on our website, if you aren't sure. Take a look!
Thank you!
ReplyDeletePlease forgive me if I wait a few months for this one. I'm not trying to hold out for a sale (you deserve my money!) - it's just that I currently have 25 games in my queue (including DA:I). Having too many great games to play isn't a bad thing.
What I'm saying is, don't feel compelled to put your game on sale too early. Some of us are waiting until we get time to play it, not until the game gets cheaper.
Keep up the great work!
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DeleteGod, I loved the Exile series so much and would love love love to be able to resurrect them. Every new Avernum release helps me scratch that particular itch, though, so as far as I'm concerned you can keep doing this until the heat-death of the universe!
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I have both been playing your games since the very beginning with Exile, when I was about 10 or so and long before I knew her. I was very excited for this to come out and immediately bought a separate copy for each of us just because. Even made a Steam review in the hopes it'd help out a little bit. I'm even more excited for the eventual remake of Avernum 3, my favorite game of yours.
ReplyDeleteI've played and beaten every single game you've made with the exception of Nethergate, which I'm going to try to struggle through now and just wish it had your nice new UIs.
As long as you keep making games, I'll keep buying them and wishing you the best. :)
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Exile II is my favourite of your games. I am not quite sure exactly why; I think because it is more refined than the original, but still takes place wholly within the underworld. A big reason I maintain a Windows XP computer is to allow myself to play Exile games as needed. I am grateful the story is being kept alive, and curious to see a modern take on the original.
ReplyDeleteExile II was the first game I played that wasn't lemmings or about math problems.
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I discovered Spiderweb with Exile 3 (probably would have come across it earlier, but I was loyal to the Amiga until about 1995). Never quite finished it - too many slimes of various diverse colours - but it was a cool game. I still feel Geneforge I was your masterpiece, but Avadon was good too. And Exile/Avernum are the most old-skool in RPG terms, which is a value in itself.
ReplyDeleteIt's cool that you are re-writing the games. Some of those older ones are hard on the eyes. Also this way the work of the previously free and quirky Jeff Vogel can continue to resonate down through the ages.
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ReplyDeleteLOVE your games Jeff...sometimes you sound so defeatist though. Your analogy to an aging rock star was misplaced. Gamers DO want to see sequels from their favourite authors...your analogy should be closer to that of a book author.
ReplyDeleteSometimes you come across (perhaps rightfully so) as being BORED with what you do. Hire someone else to port your next "old" game and take a break/vacation with your family...get OUT of the house...go somewhere, maybe Maui...get that mojo back. It is still there...I am an old fart as well but we still have potential regardless of the number on our birth certificate.
A NEW game from you, rather than retread oldies would likely breathe life into the stale cycle of your game development...not just for us the fans...but for you the author. Take a break...get that mojo back and bring us your Magnus Opus...it is still in you...I don't believe it was Exile....it has yet to be written.
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