Sunday, March 7, 2010

Brief Oscar Thoughts.

Every year, I say I won't watch any of the Academy Awards. And every year, I disappoint myself, my family, and the whole idea of human dignity by giving in. I know they don't matter, but darn it. They're just too fun. If only watchable with the aid of a Tivo.

And, after so many years, this is the FIRST year I can recall when the movie that won Best Picture was, arguably, the best picture.

So let me conclude by saying, Hurt Locker! HELLS YEAH!

The only thing that would have made me happier is if Inglourious Basterds won its much deserved award for best documentary.


  1. I'd have to go back a ways to find a truly BEST picture. Maybe Silence of the Lambs in '91. I was also a big fan of Rain Man in '88.

  2. Agreed. Hurt Locker was great. Much deserved.

  3. Jeff, are you being sarcastic here once again? If so, well done (pat on back)!

    You know, i actually know Hurt Locker was supposed to be titled: "Men who stare at bombs" :D

    Honestly: it was a good movie. It had tension and all. But the characters where too shallow IMHO so that it won't stand the test of time. 5 years from now, no one is going to remember that movie much. Some even say it de-throned Apocalypse Now and i'm like "Seriously? WTF is wrong with you?"

    Just my 2 cents.

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